Tuesday, December 23, 2008

#102 -- A Good Read

Something a bit different today.  I happened upon a few sites that I haven't hit in ages (links below) looking at some of their demos. It got me thinking that I haven't really discussed my process at all on this blog....

So I thought I'd put together a little demo today. I'm no teacher mind you, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway. So here goes nothing...

My initial reference -- Boy making a mess


Step 1 -- A quick sketch in unthinned Burnt Sienna with a dry brush. About 10-20 min max.


Step 2 -- A quick block in of the fleshtones, getting the color to work is really my only concern here.


Step 3 -- Continuing to block in the hair...still keeping it simple. I also softened and added a more finished feel to the flesh tones.


Step 4 -- Finally on to the clothes. Again keeping it really quick and simple...


Step 5 -- The finish...on to the background and fine tuning the little details. I used alot of the background color into the hair and dark areas of the clothes to pull things together a bit more. This helps to create an overall feeling of light in the piece too. Once everything was covered, I went back in and focused on creating some variety in the edges especially with the hair and clothes. Here's the finished piece at actual size.
Final-Good Read

My palette for this painting was pretty limited but included : Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Cerulean Blue Hue and finally Ivory Black. I'll probably take the demo down in a few days, but I hope those of you that see this will enjoy it. If I've left anything out, or you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a line. Don't for get to check out the amazing artist's I've linked to below! As always thanks for looking.

Happy Holidays!!

Oil on Panel -- 8" x 6"


Email me
Scott Burdick and Susan Lyon
Morgan Weistling

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

#101 -- The Post

Oil on Panel -- 8" x 6"