Tuesday, December 21, 2010

#163 -- Under The Bridge and Demo

Another Winter night scene for you today... with a little demo to boot. I had a blast with this one, it's just so rich! Hope you'll enjoy it to. As always thanks for looking!

This will just be a quick walkthrough as I need dinner! If you have any questions or feel like I missed something, feel free to drop me a line. On to the meat and potatoes...

Step 1 - A quick brush drawing, about a minute. I used a little turp on this one to make the fluid curves a bit easier to grab.

Step 2 - Blocking in the darks. Most of these areas will just be "lost". It's not often you get to loose a whole structure!

Step 3 - Hitting some of the secondary shadow areas. Just big flat shapes for now...

Step 4 - The turning edges and a bit more refinement of the bridge...

Step 5 - The Color! I've been itching to hit this for a while. Not often I get to slap pure Cad red in the middle of a composition! I kept my mixture really loose for the lighter area of the pavement. It adds variety while minimizing the work later on. Hard to see, but I darkened the sky and slapped some sky color in next to the darks in the pavement.

Step 6 - The light and glare.... and a few other fun little details to give it some character. Take note of the range of temperature in the reflection from the street lights. Very important little details...

That's it! We're done! Hope you enjoyed it!

Oil on panel - 5" x 7"