Friday, June 13, 2008

#88 -- Probing The Gray Day

Oil on panel - 8" * 6"


Roxanne Steed said...

love this! (and thinking about the self-confidence it would take to actually WEAR a hat like that!!) grins, from a fellow DPer, Roxanne

Delilah said...

Great painting.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed by your work, what I have seen. I picked up a magazine (the artist's magazine)and paged through it finding your work and blog. I am no artist by any means, I am taking classes for advertising/desing rt. now and am strugling with pencil and paper, I am terrible at duplicating what I see. Any how,I love "The Moment" and "Ambition". I feel a little modern Norman Rockwell in your pieces. "Love them!" (sorry about the book;)